Our mission is to enhance the experience of students in Sanford's Schools and Regional Technical Center
by expanding opportunities beyond those provided through public funding.

Who We Are
The Legacy Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization created to allow individuals and corporations with a means to provide tax-deductible financial and in-kind support to the Sanford Schools.
The Legacy Foundation is collaborating with the Sanford Red and White Foundation, SHS Music Boosters and the Sanford Alumni Association. In addition, the Legacy Foundation is partnering with local and regional businesses and community leaders throughout Sanford.
Many of these local and regional businesses and community leaders come from a variety of professional and technical fields including financial institutions, law firms, healthcare, engineering firms, service industries, Chamber of Commerce, insurance agencies, automotive, horticulture and human resources.
“The Legacy Foundation acts as a conduit for donations from area businesses, nonprofits and personal donations, such as estate gifts from folks who want to leave a local legacy.”
Kendra Williams, President
Thanks to this community's generosity, since 2016 the Sanford Schools Legacy Foundation has funded:
• Playground equipment at Carl J. Lamb School
• Upgraded lighting, sound at Sanford Performing Arts Center
• Uniforms for the high school marching band
• Dugouts at the SHS softball field
• Climbing wall inside practice gym at Sanford High School
• Ropes course outside SHS with zipline
• Electrical wiring and meter kits for SRTC program
• Building Trades Program equipment
• Folding chairs and storage racks for Sanford Middle School community events
• Steinway piano funded by “Have a Seat” naming in the SPAC
• Athletic scoreboards in the gym and stadium
• Fitness equipment in the Cardio Room
• Building and equipping concession stand and restrooms at Alumni Stadium
• Financial literacy curriculum
• Performing Arts Center fader wing for lighting control panel
• Fire Science Program student gear
• Storage area for outside athletic and maintenance equipment
• Collision Repair Program hybrid welder and pressure gun
What We Do
The Sanford Schools Legacy Foundation was founded on the mission to raise private funding to supplement portions of the state-funded school construction project. With construction complete, we have turned our attention toward helping students of all ages across ALL Sanford schools. The foundation continues to seek corporate and private partners to help empower our educators, invest and inspire our students, and engage our community. With your help, we can do it!
Our Mission is to enhance the experience of students in Sanford’s Schools and Regional Technical Center by expanding opportunities beyond those provided through public funding.
Donations under $500 are accepted online; larger donations may be discussed with any one of our board members. Email legacy@sanford.org.

"Act as if what
you do makes a
difference. It does"
William James